Before Lesbians

"The only thing good about this war is being able to see you."


When Charlotte and Vivian meet, they are about to marry their fiancés who are leaving to fight for President Lincoln. Through letters and visits, Charlotte and Vivian nurture their friendship, sharing books and projects to support the troops and their husbands. In an era where women were not recognized as sexual beings and when words did not exist for women falling in love, Charlotte and Vivian struggle to understand the confusing feelings they are developing for each other while the Civil War rages on.

Dayton FutureFest Finalist 2020

Second Place: The 2018 Henley Rose Playwright Competition for Women

Good Luck Macbeth virtual reading

Directed by Codie Costello
James-Matthew Hammond
Charlotte-Annikki Larsson
Henry-Seth Eggleston
Vivian-Madeline Klever

Dayton Futurefest Staged Virtual Reading

Directed by Kim Warrick
James-Aaron Gouge
Henry-Adonis Lemke
Vivian-Shanna Camacho

Henley Rose Playwright Competition for Women Reading

Directed by Asya Mounger
James-Adam Hughes
Charlotte-Raine Palmer
Henry-Nick Sellers
Vivian-Allison Feike
Stage Directions-Kerri Kozcen

Oberlin College Reading

Directed by Zoe Kushlefsky
James-Will Osborn
Charlotte-Delaney Kelley
Henry-Kieran Minor
Vivian-Leah Treidler

Read the first five pages of Before Lesbians!

Read the bonus "Surprise Me" page!

This script is available for purchase.


An old-fashioned photo of two women sitting side by side with book